Take on the world one peace sign at a time – Sofi✌🏼

Aloha and Welcome to Sofi’s Journey!

I’m excited to share my story and connect with all of you. I find that life has so many beautiful and wonderful things that we will have plenty to talk about. Getting to know you and the journey you have been on adds to both our lives so let’s get started.

You will find Pictures, blogs and vlogs documenting adventures my life has taken me on. I hope you find them interesting and empowering. Like most people, my life is filled with ups and downs so as I share the victories and triumphs I will also share the obstacles and hard times in my life.

If you find a smile start to grow across your face or maybe a tear roll down your cheek then I feel I have done my job! As we build a connection I would love for you to share your story so reach out to me and let’s have a heart to heart. I look forward to this next adventure in my journey and hope you come along for the ride.

The Famous Papa Shaka (At least in my Family) DITY…I Love You!!

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