I continue to challenge myself by taking on new projects and learning about new things I have interest in. I guess sometimes it can seem overwhelming and it does make for a busy day for sure. I’m currently juggling my courses, what is left of the sports season now that Covid has decimated what our normal schedule would have been, student government and trying to have a full and rewarding social life. All in all its just a normal way of life for me and I often get asked by friends, family and even my school teachers and counselors “How do you do it all?” Well…

I guess it started for me early on by having a natural curiosity and fed by parents who always wanted me to explore new things, make friends, and grow to my fullest. I remember trying many sports looking for something that clicked. I was in Gymnastics, Soccer, Basketball, Softball, and through High School Volleyball and ran Track. It instilled a love for the healthy life so I am addicted to working out as well. On the Academic side I had a tudor to help me fast track to kindergarten(oh yeah…kindergarten), joined civic and school clubs like 4H, letterman’s club, national honor society and student government. I can recall making posters to run for class…. in 5th grade and being so nervous about it. I have had great groups of friends from the teams I played on, clubs, schools I’ve attended (Still besties with some from pre-school) and others that we have met along my Journey.

There are a few key components I feel have helped me to keep this going that may help you really keep the wheels on the bus.

  • Have a really good understanding of the task at hand. I find that if I am comfortable with the skills and knowledge I need to understand my assignment or project then it really flows. Some say “In the Zone” but whatever you call it I am able to get more done in less time if I just understand it well.
  • If you dont understand then ask questions. I feel people struggle with this as many of my classmates often have puzzled looks but yet we go through the whole class and they never ask one question. Its funny as what happens next is after class they come to me and ask “Did you understand what the teacher was explaining?” or “Do you know what the homework was?”
  • I like to make sure I have a “Bunker” to work in. Whether its my room, the library, or a classroom having a place I can sit and work is essential. Yes there are times you need to collaborate with others but for most of the time its just you needing to get work done. This is one of the few times I need to make sure that the people around me understand I NEED to focus on my work.
  • Loose the phone for a bit. I know, I know, how can i get by 5 minutes without checking to see if so and so is into so and so. I am definitely connected and have as strong an impulse to open up my phone and just scroll though IG, Pinterest or TikTok. I am also aware I have bigger goals than that and I will give up some now for the big life later.
  • Get Rest. I know when I have got a good rest as my day just feels better. I admit that I sleep late here and there but when it counts you have to know to set a time to get your rest. my sweet spot is 7 hours solid. I can do more believe me but after I feel sluggish for a bit and have a hard time hitting the ground running.
  • Eat Well. Yes, I like to eat so I eat. I always temper that with watching what I eat but there is the occasional over indulge in the ohhhh so sweet stuff. For the most part I don’t get into diets but just make sure my body has fuel.
  • Support Systems. If you don’t have them then work on getting them. I have parents that support, friends that support, dogs that support and teachers that support. You don’t know who you will need or when you will need them but its good to know you have them. From the academic to the emotional it takes a lot to keep the train running so make sure you have some one you are comfortable with to collaborate with, share with and talk out whatever it is you are dealing with.

I hope this helps you and if you are just starting to gather your team for support know I’m here too. I want to provide people with the time and place to work things out and feel like part of a special community of like minded and encouraging members. If that’s you, welcome! I’m excited to get to know you.

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1 Comment

  1. Admin @SofisJourney.com

    Great Stuff

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