Blessings on top of Blessings

The world works in mysterious ways. The saying “reach for the moon and if you donʻt make it at least youʻll land upon the stars,” couldnʻt have related more to my college situation. Guess what guys? I got the Sullivan Award! I made it. My goal that I had worked towards and thought to have fallen short, was achieved. The crazy part was that I had already prepared to assist with paying for college. I had gotten a job right after getting the news that I didnʻt get it and was dedicating my summer to make money for my college tuition. Then one day while home from school I got a call from a Washington number, I answered it and was surprised to hear Jason Moy, a Sullivan admin. My palms were sweating and my heart was pounding as I was carrying on the conversation with him. I knew in my heart that I still wanted to go Seattle University and all the signs were pointing me in that direction and I used that to answer any questions that Mr. Moy had. I explained to him that even though I was not able to be a part of the Sullivan community, I would still implement all the morals and values that the community was dedicated to teaching the scholars. I told him that I think the program was a brilliant thing that I was glad to be able to experience for those few months and I still could not wait to come to campus in the fall. After I stopped blabbing, he broke the news to me and tears started running down my face as I was laughing with awe. I was shocked and stoked all at the same time. Everything went right side up and I couldnʻt stop smiling for the half an hour following that. I called my friends to let them know that I had got the scholarship after all and I was so blessed to have been awarded such an amazing opportunity.

Since then, Iʻve been able to travel to Seattle and visit my campus one more time before moving in for the fall. I arranged visits to meet the Sullivan interim director and a few current scholars themselves. Each time I met with someone or was on campus I could feel this buzz of excitement. As I was conversing with the scholars I knew I was in the right place and felt the welcoming vibes of my future home. Looking at the big picture, I now understand that receiving this scholarship did not just mean a lot for me, but for a whole community of people. I am now joining a group of people who will be my family and support me unwaveringly and to know that I have something like that in my back pocket makes going to college an easier and exciting time. 

So many good things come to those who ask and work for it. I encourage you to live like that. To work towards your goals and do not give up until you have reached a satisfying outcome. And even after that, set another goal and work towards that. There is so much out there in the world that is waiting for you to grasp on to it. Also, know that you will have support when striving to achieve. You have me, and the community of Sofi’s Journey. You have family and friends who are cheering you on and willing to help you make it to the finish line. And if you fall short at least youʻll know that you landed upon the stars. 

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