I love food. Food makes me so happy. I love the feeling I get when I have a nice bowl of fresh mango and I get to sit on the couch and watch Netflix with my family. It especially lights up my world when I get to enjoy great food with others. The looks on peoples faces when enjoying a nice meal together brings me so much joy. Going to my favorite restaurants and ordering exactly what I’m craving is the most satisfying experience. I know this sounds crazy, the way I talk about food, but it sure is exciting. I think one of my most favorite foods is Açaí bowls. This place on Maui sells one of the best Açaí bowls ever and I think I am going to miss it while I am up in college. Speaking of, I heard the food scene in Seattle is crazy! I am 100% stoking for that. I’ll remember to document all the yummy food that I’ll consume while I’m up there :)) I know that I love food a lot but, it’s important that you eat more of the good stuff than the not so healthy stuff. Fruits and veggies are my go to snacks when I’m hungry. Gotta make sure you get all those vitamins and nutrients to support your body. I’m not saying to go on a strict diet but just keep in mind that watching what you put in your body makes a significant difference in how your body will function. I know when I’ve had only junk food to eat, I feel exhausted and tired. However, when I’ve eaten better wholesome foods I feel like I have more energy and spunk. This isn’t a lecture about dieting but a simple, friendly reminder that if you love food as much as me, make sure you’re eating the right stuff. Love your body and it will love you back!

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