Welcome to you all! Looking to make the experience here something we can all be proud of. There is a few things that are inevitable when you have an open forum for people to share. Before you commit to this tribe you need to know the rules we will be conducting ourselves with so we build community not tear down others. We all know feelings are tied to emotions with so many triggers that I wont even try to to list them all. I will be monitoring the content posted and shared. I reserve the right to make the final decision on what I feel is appropriate. I love a good debate so I may engage just to redirect the direction its going if the rules are being skirted. Debate is healthy and necessary at times.

Rule 1 – Respect: Everyone here deserves the respect due when they choose to engage the tribe with their feelings and commentary. If you do not have that capacity this is not the group for you.

Rule 2 – Language: I find that language is very powerful. The right word at the right time can change the world for someone and vice versa. Please choose your words carefully. Some have more impact than others especially when paired with certain context. Ask yourself would I say those things to my grandparents/Children? That goes for graphic and exploitive verbiage as well

Rule 3 – Rumors or Trash Talk: I know some love to share and hear the latest gossip about who is doing what or who. Please keep that very short as it has not brought me much inspiration or motivation to achieve on a high level. I don’t mind stories of how people are actually dealing with obstacles and how they chose to respond to overcome. I would encourage that more.

Rule 4 – Be Yourself and Allow Others to be as well. Any person brave enough to be themselves should be applauded. Sofisjourney.com fully supports all identities and the wonderful spectrum of characters that brews. I have close friends that live incredible lives that hold their heads high and know exactly who they are. I only hope we can all feel that confidence and show the world our best version all the time.

Rule 5 – Do not Impose Yourself on any Member or Solicit: Again this is a place to share but not to make people feel un easy and badgered with offers or products you have. I understand that part of peoples identity is what they do for a living and I get that. When you are here its ok to mention but a outright solicitation will not be acceptable. I hope soon to have a page dedicated to provide members with great products and or services that I come across. Things that help me to navigate this journey in life. I will make time to hear you out when I have that ready.

Rule 6 – Have FUN and LAUGH along the way! Life in my short time as a passenger on this ride has been full of great times, great experiences, and great people but I always look for the FUN! I hope you can find the fun in your life and experience the satisfying release of a full belly laugh. The kind that you have to catch a breath after or you’ll pass out.

Bless You All and remember to Treat each other with Respect, Honor and Kindness! A Hui Hou! DITY:)