Socks that bop

Everyone has their own unique style. If you were to ask me what my style was, I am not exactly sure how to sum it all up. I can be a cute girly girl or I could pull the sporty athlete chic. It really depends on the day. Of course in Hawaii there isn’t much you can do with layering clothes so fashion is limited compared to “mainland” style but, we still manage to make the island life fashion work 😉 I for one love socks. I think socks can say a lot with very little material. As a volleyball player and athlete in general I found my way into the sock world my freshman year of high school. It started during volleyball season when almost every other player had cool looking socks and I had plain jane black crew socks. I felt like in a way I wasn’t living up to my fullest sock potential. So when I went on my first volleyball trip to Las Vegas I decided to invest in some cool new crew socks with gnarly patterns. I never knew I could love socks this much. To this day I still collect new socks and adore each and every pari, new or old. I like to wear certain socks for my games and always make sure they match with my court shoes and knee pads. It’s a way for me to say that I have some style and I am not afraid to show it. So I encourage you to be who you are and embrace every way you can show it. Whether it be through t-shirts or hair accessories or even a pair of snazzy socks. Let your style run free :))

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