The Magic of Music

Artist set out different purposes for their music. Whether it is a method of therapy or just a way to celebrate life the messages they choose to share come from within their selves. It is their story; it’s the part of their life that they want to show the world. And in some amazing, scary, wonderful way we are able to relate to them. To their stories, their lives, their struggles, their successes, their feelings. We connect to the artist on another level that we may not realize. We don’t recognize it right away but at one point or another we are all going through the same phases of life. I’m not saying that the entire human race is in sync with each other but as humans, we go through the same things. Just as butterflies go through changes so do we and the music that has been created is a reflection of those changes, those phases of life. Music is something that I always choose to explore. Not as in-depth as some music junkies and I don’t restrict myself to one genre but I know that music is something that is important to me. Sometimes it feels like there is something playing in my head and I vibe with it (not bothered by others who can’t hear it). The song depends on the day and what’s happening in my life. It’s all about my mood. I connect to songs that make me feel good. That make me feel like dancing or singing out loud. Those are my favorite types of songs. The ones that make me feel like there’s nothing else that matters except for that moment in life.  Music is my get ready for the day. Music is my hype. It gets my mind ready for whatever comes next in life. But music is a beautiful magical thing. It is so versatile that it may be someones escape or someones shoulder to cry on. It’s okay to use music as your vice, your reliable walking stick if you will. Do what you will with music but I see it as a great tool to help you find what you are feeling, find what phase of life you are in, or trying to get into (or out of).  So listen to the artist and their messages. Feel their emotions and find the phase you’re in and where you want to go from there. Use the magic of music. 

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