You win some you lose some

You ever work so hard for something that you basically make it your soul purpose? And then when you fall short, your soul gets crushed? That’s how I felt when applying for this full ride scholarship. Itʻs called the Sullivan Leaders Award; a 4-year scholarship that would have paid for my college education. I would get to be a part of an amazing community of young minds who had the desire to make the world a better place. Not only would this program be life changing but it made the college experience seem 100x better. I was banking so much on this award that I did not know what to do when I got the email saying that a decision had been made and it was not one that I would not be happy with. I had committed 5 months of my life to earning this scholarship and I didn’t make it. I was so close that I even made it onto the alternate list, that had only one other person on it. Although I was grateful to had have the opportunity to learn so much about myself, it still had hurt so much to know that I didn’t get it. That my next 4 years of life was about to be a financially difficult path; it made it seem like I almost shouldn’t attend the school that I so desperately desired to go to. But with the unwavering support of my parents, we still made the decision that I should attend Seattle University. I was ecstatic for college but there was this thing that just hung over my head, I was not going to be a Sullivan Scholar. The moment that it hit me I couldn’t help but cry. I couldn’t help but call my parents and friends that I didn’t get it. Something that I had been working so hard and devoted my life to it, it didn’t come through to fruition. There is a lesson to be learned in all of this, I had to say to myself. Throughout the whole process of trying to earn this award I had reached and pushed my limits. I engaged in difficult conversations and scrabbled my brain trying to think of new and exciting ideas. I focused on personal values and found new ways to implement my personal morals into everyday life. It was a humbling, and growing experience and I am thankful to say that I made it all they way to the very end and I am a better person because of it. 

So the next time you fall short on a goal that you strived for with all your might. Just look at how far you pushed yourself to get there. Reflect on what you could have done to give a little more. Understand that things may not fall in your favor but maybe itʻs for the best. Maybe something good will come along with the bad. 

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